WONCA awards in Prague

Professor Richard Roberts presents Professor Chris van Weel (past president) with his WONCA Fellowship award.
WONCA Fellowship
The Fellowship of WONCA is WONCA’s most prestigious award. It is awarded to individuals who have rendered outstanding service to the WONCA organization. It is awarded every three years at meetings of the WONCA World Council, but only if a suitably qualified candidate is identified.
Find out more about the WONCA Fellowship and the winners.
This year in Prague the following people were awarded a WONCA Fellowship:

Prof John Beasley, USA Dr Javier Dominguez del Olmo, Mexico Dr Alfred Loh, Singapore

Dr Tony Mathie, UK Prof Bruce Sparks, South Africa Prof Barbara Starfield, USA

Dr Arno Timmermans, The Netherlands Prof Chris van Weel, The Netherlands
Honorary Life Direct Membership
Honorary Life Direct Membership is awarded in recognition of contributions to the work of the WONCA organization and/or to general practice/family medicine on a world basis. Find out more about Honorary Life Direct Membership.
This year in Prague the following people were awarded a WONCA Honorary Life Direct Membership to our immedate past president and the staff of the Singapore secretariat:

Prof Richard Roberts (USA) Yvonne Chung (Singapore) Gillian Tan (Singapore)
Read about the WONCA Five-Star doctor award to Dr Lucy Candib here