Scholarship to attend the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s 2016 Annual Spring Conference

Dear Colleague:

We’d like to inform you of a scholarship opportunity for one International Scholar to attend the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s Annual Spring Conference, April 30-May 4, 2016 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This letter is being sent to family/general practice organizations in Mexico, Central and South America for whom the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine has e-mail addresses. We believe this scholarship provides an excellent opportunity for a physician from one of these countries to participate in the STFM 2016 annual meeting.

The STFM Annual Spring Conference is the Society’s largest annual gathering of approximately 1,500 family medicine educators from a variety of disciplines and educational settings. Nearly 400 sessions will be offered through a wide variety of presentations on the critical issues facing family medicine education today. To get a sense of the sessions offered at previous meetings, visit, click “search” and then “filter by” and choose “conference” and then “Annual Spring Conference”. Preliminary conference information is available at Complete details and registration information will be available in December 2015.

Please note the requirements for the scholarship on the attached announcement. You’ll see we have set a limit of one nominee per country and require that the nominee has support of the country’s family/general practice organization. We also require that to be eligible for the award, the nominee should not have previously attended an STFM conference. This preference is intended to provide a unique opportunity to experience medical education as exemplified by STFM. We encourage you to share this information with your country’s family/general practice organization to encourage others who might be interested in applying.

Please feel free to e-mail, write, or call me or Pat Lodge ([email protected]) from our staff, with any questions you might have.


Stacy H. Brungardt, CAE, Executive Director
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Foundation
[email protected]