Notices: Obituary
Donec placerat. Nullam nibh dolor, blandit sed, fermentum id, imperdiet sit amet, neque. Nam mollis ultrices justo. Sed tempor. Sed vitae tellus. Etiam sem arcu, eleifend sit amet, gravida eget, porta at, wisi. Nam non lacus vitae ipsum viverra pretium. Phasellus massa. Fusce magna sem, gravida in, feugiat ac, molestie eget, wisi. Fusce consectetuer luctus ipsum. Vestibulum nunc. Suspendisse dignissim adipiscing libero. Integer leo. Sed pharetra ligula a dui. Quisque ipsum nibh, ullamcorper eget, pulvinar sed, posuere vitae, nulla. Sed varius nibh ut lacus. Curabitur fringilla. Nunc est ipsum, pretium quis, dapibus sed, varius non, lectus. Proin a quam. Praesent lacinia, eros quis aliquam porttitor, urna lacus volutpat urna, ut fermentum neque mi egestas dolor.
Vale Dr Julian Tudor Hart
July 09, 2018
Dr Julian Tudor Hart is known for having first proposed the ‘inverse care law’, which argued that “the availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it in the population served.”
Prof Janko Kersnik - 1960-2015
WONCA Europe Honorary Secretary
June 01, 2015
On Wednesday May 20th 2015 we said farewell to Janko Kersnik who died at the age of 55 years. At his funeral, on a rainy afternoon, we stood in the village of Dovje (Slovenia), looking towards Mojstrana where he was born in 1960. We could see the mountains he loved. A large crowd of family, community members, friends who shared his hunting passion, national and international colleagues and friends could still not believe that he had passed away, and that his voice would never be heard again.
Dr David GAME:
President of WONCA 1983-86
May 30, 2015
Dr David Game AO, of Australia, was president of WONCA from 1983-86 and the first secretary/ treasurer of WONCA when it was formed in 1972. He was also WONCA editor from the beginning of WONCA (1972) until 2001. He was 89 years old, still lived alone at home, and died working at his desk. David was a great source of support and trusted advice and anecdotes, a philanthropist, and a great advocate for family medicine.
Condolences / condoléances: Dr Ian McWhinney
October 03, 2012
It is with sadness that the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) acknowledges the passing of Dr Ian McWhinney on September 28, 2012.
C'est avec tristesse que le Collège des médecins de famille du Canada (CMFC) a appris du décès de Dr Ian McWhinney, le 28 septembre 2012.