Featured Doctor

BLASHKI, A/Prof Grant: Past chair WP on the Environment



Grant is a practicing GP and an Associate Professor at the Nossal Institute for Global Health; Head of the Health and Equity Theme at the Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute, University of Melbourne; and an honorary lecturer at Kings College London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and has served as an examiner in the fellowship exam panel. He is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

His two themes of research are; 1) primary mental health care and, 2) climate change and health. He has co-authored over 80 publications in peer reviewed journals, 30 peer reviewed conference abstracts, 20 government/policy reports, and is lead editor of the text book General Practice Psychiatry which has been translated into Italian.

Previously, he was the lead developer of the Monash University/ University of Melbourne Masters of General Practice Psychiatry for which he received a Monash University Silver Jubilee Prize for Teaching. He has been actively engaged with community work including as Board Director of the Australian Conservation Foundation, a clinical advisor to Beyondblue; as a mentor in the Al Gore Climate Leadership Project; as a cofounder of Doctors for the Environment Australia; as a member of the Strategic Advisory Group of the Climate Institute, He was a participant in the Australia 2020 summit.

In 2008, he was a co-recipient of the Fundraisers Institute of Australia’s Major Grants fundraising award for philanthropic work. In 2009, he was co recipient of an Australian Evaluation Society Award for Excellence in Evaluation in relation to evaluation of major primary health care reforms in Australia.

Grant took over as Chair of the WONCA Working Party on the Environment in June 2013.