Chloé Perdrix - a French GP travels Asia

My name is Chloé Perdrix, I’m a 27 year old French GP resident, just finished my last rotation in a health centre in the North-East of New Caledonia. After this last rotation in New Caledonia, I have taken a sabbatical year travelling around Asia. In order to stay in touch with the medical network, I have tried to meet general practitioners during this journey. I proposed to WONCA and the Vasco da Gama Movement (VdGM), to write an article each two months in order to share my discoveries, my questions and my reflections about this experience. These are my stories.

Introduction news story

1. New Caledonia.

(Published in WONCA News October 2014)

2. Malaysia

(Published in WONCA News December 2014)

3. Bangkok, Laos and Cambodia

(Published in WONCA News  February 2015)

4. Vietnam and Laos

(Published in WONCA News  April 2015)

5. Myanmar

(Published in WONCA News  June 2015)

6. India and Kyrgystan

(Published in WONCA News August  2015)

7. Mongolia and Russia

(Published in WONCA News October 2015)

Proposed Itinerary