OBAZEE, Dr Matie: WONCA Africa region president 2013-16

Dr Ehimatie Mathew ‘Matie’ Obazee MBBS (Ibadan), MBA(Benin),FMCGP, FWACP(GP) is a 1980 graduate of the University of Ibadan Medical School. He holds the Fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria (NPMCN) and that of the West Africa College of Physicians (WACP) in Family Medicine. He also holds a Masters degree in Business Administration of the University of Benin, Nigeria.
He is the Medical Director/Chief Executive Officer of Echos Hospital Limited, a Multi-Specialist Group Hospital in Benin City, Edo state of Nigeria where he practices as a Consultant Family Physician attending to both in-patient and out-patients (including Surgical and Obstetric cases).
He is a Visiting Consultant to the University of Benin Teaching Hospital and Federal Medical Centre, Asaba, Delta State of Nigeria. He also serves as part-time Director of Postgraduate Training of Faith Mediplex Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.
Dr Matie Obazee was formerly;
- Chairman of the Faculty of Family Medicine, NPMCN
- President, Society of Family Physicians of Nigeria (SOFPON)
- Director of Training, Faculty of Family Medicine, WACP.
He has played a strategic role in the development of family medicine in Nigeria/West Africa. He was chairman, International Conference on Curriculum Review which was jointly hosted by the Faculty of Family Medicine of NPMCN and WACP in 1998. The conference which had the participation of WONCA laid the foundation for the transformation of the faculty from general medical practice to family medicine - a move which helped to resolve the identity crisis of family physicians in West Africa and put the specialty in a leading position in attracting postgraduate residents.
The conference culminated in the formation of the Society of Family Physicians of Nigeria (SOFPON).
During his tenure as chairman, the faculty accomplished several landmark achievements such as:
- Streamlining of the curriculum from general medical practice to family medicine.
- Change of name of the faculty to family medicine in both colleges.
- Review of the examination process to enhance objectivity of both the theory and clinical examinations.
- Establishment of international linkages including promotion of international participation in the examinations.
- Laying a foundation for a strong sustainable financial base to make the faculty the most financially viable in the college.
- Securing approval for and commencing the process of the Diploma in Family Medicine programme to enhance production of a critical mass of skilled primary care physicians for the national health system in Nigeria.
He has been involved in training and examining candidates for both the NPMCN and the WACP since 1992. He is also an external examiner to the Department of Family Medicine, University of Calabar, Nigeria.
He is a member of the WONCA Working Party on Quality and Safety and a founding member of WONCA Working Party on Mental Health.
His areas of research interest are Mental Health, Lifestyle Medicine and Medical Entrepeneurship. He was the 2009 Sir Manuwa Lecturer of the West Africa College of Physicians, Nigeria Chapter.
He is married to an consultant ophthalmologist, a partner at Echos Hospital Limited, and they have three children, two of whom are doctors.
His hobbies are gardening, golf and motivational speaking.