Report: 8th Spanish conference on patient safety in primary care
The eighth annual conference on patient safety in primary care took place on May 29, 2015 in Cruces Hospital in Baracaldo, Bilbao (Spain).
More than 300 primary care professionals met together to share patient safety activities, and to discuss and make new proposals to enhance patient safety in primary care.
This annual conference had the theme was “
Second victims: impact of adverse events on healthcare professionals”.
This conference was organised with the collaboration of four healthcare professional societies, Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), Spanish Society of Healthcare Quality (SECA), Primary care and community Nursing Federation of Regional Associations (FAECAP), and Spanish Society of Primary Care Pharmacists (SEFAP); as well as the Basque Country Health Department and Osakidetza (Basque Health Service) and the Spanish Health Ministry.

The Opening lecture was delivered by Susan Scott, Missouri University, with the title
Nine years experience on giving support to second victims related to adverse effects.
Scott SD, Hirschinger LE, Cox KR, McCoig M, et al. Caring for our own: deploying a system wide second victim rapid response team.
Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2010;36 (5):233-240.
A round table to present different perspectives concerning patient safety in primary care took place afterwards. D Enrique Peiro introduced the Basque Country Strategy on Patient Safety. Dr Jose-Joaquin Mira (University Miguel Hernandez, Elche, Alicante) presented the first results of a national project which measures the impact of adverse events on health professionals and healthcare institutions. The final lecture was delivered by Dr Asier Urruela (University of Zaragoza) with a reflection about legal concerns on open disclosure to patients, reporting and learning systems and a proposal for improvement of patient safety culture on Spanish legislation.
A total of 40 scientific abstracts were received from different primary care teams all over Spain. Main topics were: safe use of medications, hand hygiene, reporting and learning systems and other safe clinical practices.
At the end, the “Fernando Palacio awards” for improvement of patient safety in primary care were awarded to the following projects:
“an experience of save use of high risk medication in primary care”, “process management to support a safer immunization”, and “an analysis of an safety incident in a practice”.
Four workshops took place in the afternoon: Susan Scott ran a workshop on their institutional program to support second victims “For You Team
”. Lena Ferrus ran a workshop on role-playing for healthcare professionals to cope with an adverse event in the very initial moments. Sheila Sanchez ran a workshop on the management of FEMA (Failures and Effects Modal Analysis) to improve patient safety in a health centre. Elena Valverde gave a workshop on “
Wise prescription and de-prescription strategy for medications”
You may find the scientific abstracts of this conference as well as the eight previous ones are in the following site:
Some of the lectures videos are available in the Spanish Society for Healthcare Quality (SECA) web site :
Reported by José Miguel Bueno Ortiz.
Author: Dra María Pilar Astier. Coordinadora. Patient safety workgroup. Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y
Comunitaria (semFYC)
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