World Family Doctor Day 2017 celebrated worldwide
World Family Doctor Day grows and grows in popularity. The theme of depression was taken up with enthusiasm.

WONCA President's Message for Family Doctor Day
Theme: Depression:
The WONCA Working Party on Mental Health has worked hard to develop a guide to help you manage the first, crucial consultation with patients who may be depressed, “Depression- an evidence based first consultation”

in English, Portuguese, Arabic and Chinese. Prof Chris Dowrick introduces this in his latest WONCA News item
Mental Health Matters.
Featured Region reports
- East Mediterranean region including the Al Razi Young doctors’ movement
- WoRSA – WONCA Rural South Asia region
- WONCA Africa region
Download region reports
Member Organization Reports
The document attached summarises reports submitted by member organisations around the world. Countries included are: Hong Kong, Caribbean (Jamaica, Bahamas) Turkey, Bangladesh, Venezuela, China, Egypt, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Pakistan, Australia, Chinese Taipei, USA, Philippines, Thailand, Morocco, Republic of Srpska, Portugal, Indonesia, Jordan, Qatar, Ukraine, India
Download Member Organization reports
Many activities were also submitted on
Editor’s picks
Stamps from China (below)

Poster from Portugal (right)
Photo (left) with Angklung musical instruments made from bamboo from Indonesia.
WoRSA video in 11 (now 13 ) languages
Qatar video on depression
Bahamas video