World Family Doctor Day 2022: Activities Report
May 19, 2022

World Family Doctor Day (FDD) – 19th May - was first declared by WONCA in 2010 and it has become a day to highlight the role and contribution of family doctors and primary care teams in healthcare systems around the world.
This celebration was the perfect opportunity to acknowledge the central role of Family Doctors in the delivery of personal, comprehensive and continuing health care for all patients. It was also a chance to celebrate the progress being made in family medicine and the special contributions of primary care teams globally.
This year’s theme was
Family Doctors, Always There to Care!

The 3 Pillars of World Family Doctor Day 2022
Family Doctors are present at all times, and continuity is a fundamental feature of their work. They continuously provide care in all stages of patients’ lives, and throughout the big and small moments. Continuity is also present in care through the ongoing follow-up carried out to patients, where coordination with other levels of care and health care professionals is crucial. Lastly, continuity represents their constant preparation and skills development, uninterrupted research, and the ability to adapt and build resilience to change, technologies, methodologies, and educational strategies.
Family doctors and primary care professionals are there, wherever and whenever needed. Always at the front line —in war, health crises and times of peace. They are part of the communities they work with, proactively reaching and engaging with members, sharing their core values, creating a unique connection with their patients, and building bonds of trust.
Delivering accessible, equitable, sustainable, high-quality care is Family Doctors' raison d'etre. Being a Family Doctor is both a privilege and a responsibility, always looking after people and providing what is necessary for their welfare and protection, identifying their patients' needs to guarantee the fundamental right to health.
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For more than a decade, we have been witnessing all the celebrations, events and activities that our colleagues around the world have shared on collaborations, reports and photographs from many countries. All of them represent an essential part of the history and memory of the WONCA family, registered in multiple editions of our WONCA News.]
Discover this year's activities in the 2022 WFDD Report. Click the link below: