Announcement of the results of the EGM of the Council


Dear colleagues,

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Council was held between 11 and 16 May 2021.

A quorum for the transaction of business consists of “a majority of the Officers of The Organization and two-thirds (2/3) of the members of Council representing Member Organizations in person or by proxy”.

I am pleased to inform you that 12 Officers of the Organization and 88 Council Members representing 94 Member Organizations logged into the platform: the necessary quorum for the transaction of business was reached.

Bylaws amendments require “an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members of Council present and voting”.

A total of 95 Council Members (Officers of the Organization and Council Members representing Member Organizations) cast 140 valid votes: 87 Council Members, representing 130 votes, voted in favour of the adoption of the resolution; 8 Council Members, representing 10 votes, voted against the adoption of the resolution.

The resolution was adopted by a super-majority of more than two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.

WONCA Past Presidents Professor Amanda Howe, Professor Michael Kidd, Professor Richard Roberts, and Professor Chris van Weel verified and supported the results as accurate and as meeting the criteria for quora and a decision.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you for supporting the procedures of the Extraordinary General Meeting during this dreadful pandemic. You dedicated time in the middle of emergencies and vaccinations, while striving to taking care of your patients and communities. We must never forget that to overcome any challenge, we need strong international cooperation. I thank all of you for supporting our Organization and ensuring that we can continue our work even in times when in-person meetings are not possible.

Dr Donald Li
WONCA President

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