World Family Doctor Day 2015 reports
About World Family Doctor Day
This year World Family Doctor day (FDD) has been celebrated by more people in more countries. We have been overwhelmed by the number of activities notified. Our gratitude to all who have contributed, whether as individuals and on behalf of organizations. Our apologies if we could not include your favourite photograph or your personal story as some limits have been set in order to feature many different countries. Many other items have been loaded onto the FDD Facebook page Translating the words "World Family Doctor Day: May 19" has become important as the day spreads around the world, for example: into Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.
Día Mundial del Médico de Familia: 19 de Mayo
Dia Mundial do Médico de Família: 19 de Maio
It is clear that World Family Doctor Day has now become a major event on the calendar of family doctors worldwide. This year we have chosen to feature celebrations from Nepal, as despite the very recent devastation of their country by two earthquakes, the general practitioners of Nepal made a celebration of World Family Doctor day and used it to pay tribute to the victims of the recent tragedy.
WONCA President's message on World Family Doctor Day 2015
Activities around the world 2015
WONCA East Mediterranean region
In the East Mediterranean region, the World Health Organization regional director Dr Ala Alwan has joined in the celebrations by sending a message to family doctors and member states. he underscores the importance of family practice for delivering quality primary health care and accelerating progress towards universal health coverage in the WHO EMR.
read Dr Ala Alwan's message
Activities submitted by WONCA Member Organizations
Some other interesting celebrations about which we have been notified.
Featured country celebration - Nepal
Despite the very recent devastation of their country by two earthquakes, the general practitioners of Nepal made a celebration of World Family Doctor day and used it to pay tribute to the victims of the recent tragedy. Prof Pratap Prasad (WONCA South Asia region president) who is from Nepal reports.
I am forwarding clips of World Family Doctor day, organized by General Practitioners Association of Nepal (GPAN). We have been holding this day which we call World WONCA Day every year. Sadly this year our country was hit by a major earthquake and grief, death and destruction surround us.
Even in this crisis we hosted World WONCA Day, we paid our tributes and expressed our heartfelt condolences to all those who lost their lives, homes and loved ones. There were more than ten thousand deaths and fifty thousand casualties.
The members of GPAN from Kathmandu and outside the valley were present. GPAN president, Dr KK Rai, general secretary, Dr Sanjiv Tiwari, Dr Pratap Nayaran Prasad, WONCA South Asia regional president and other members of GPAN paid tributes and lit candles as a gesture to remember the loss of our nation over the past few weeks. National TV and other media were also present to witness our event which was later telecast in the main news bulletin.
Prof Pratap Prasad read the messages of Garth Manning, CEO WONCA and president WONCA Prof Michael Kidd. An audio clip is attached.
On behalf of GPAN, I would like to thank all of our WONCA executive and WONCA colleagues who showed their respect and tribute for this Nepalese tragedy. Thanks to all.
Prof Pratap Prasad
To find out how to help our Nepalese colleagues click here.
Federación Argentina de Medicina Familiar y General (FAMFyG)
Royal Australian College of General Practitioners(RACGP)
Tuesday May 19 is World Family Doctor Day. To celebrate and share the incredible work of GPs, the RACGP has launched a social media campaign that asks GPs to state why they chose general practice as a career, using the dedicated hashtag #IchoseGP.![](/site/DefaultSite/filesystem/images/News/2015%20news/FDD/australia.JPG)
The RACGP has developed posters for GPs to display in practice waiting rooms and graphics to share online, including Facebook and Twitter cover photos.
There is also a poster for GPs to download that reads “#IchoseGP because…”. We want GPs to download and print the poster on May 19, write their reason for choosing general practice in the space provided and post a photo of themselves holding the sign on social media with the hashtag #IchoseGP.
GPs are the first point of call for anyone experiencing illness or seeking health advice and the person-centered, continuous healthcare they deliver is the driving force behind a healthy Australia.
This World Family Doctor Day, tell the world why you chose general practice and together, let’s raise the profile of the profession. Below is a video of our Council (Board) members responding to this question.
![](/site/DefaultSite/filesystem/images/News/2015 news/FDD/aus ayman.JPG)
On the occasion of the world day of Family Physicians which is on Tuesday 19th of May and in conjunction with the celebrations on this occasion, Prof Faisal Alnasir, chairman of the department of Family and Community Medicine and former president of the Scientific council of Family and Community Medicine of Arab Board for Health Specialties presented on the research day of the college of medicine and medical sciences of the Arabian Gulf university a lecture on the situation of family medicine and the challenges facing family doctors in the EMRO region. The talk was attended by large number of faculty and important personal from the community and the Ministry of Health in Bahrain.
Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians
The Bangladesh Academy of Family Physicians has celebrated the World Family Doctors Day 2015. In 1914 we observed the day for the first time in Bangladesh. This time we have chalked out a new logo for the WFDD, anyone interested may use it for future programmes. We celebrated the day in two phases:
WFDD 2015 Rally: Members of the Academy gathered in the early morning in front of the Academy Office at Hatirpool, Dhaka [photo at end of this report]. There we joined a rally. Not only the members and doctors joined the rally, rather family members of the doctors and other enthusiastic local people also joined and enjoyed the rally. People were very curious and they kept us busy with explaining the
significance of the day. At the end of the rally we enjoyed breakfast. Dr. Hafizur Rahman-President, Dr. Md. Abdul Quayum-Deputy Secretary of the Academy and Senior Family Physicians lead the rally.
WFDD 2015 Discussions & Education Programme: The Academy organized a discussion on WFDD at 9.00 am. Prof. Ainul Islam Choudhury-Former President of the Academy presided over the meeting. Prof. Md. Nurul Islam-Former WONCA Vice President and Dr. Md. Innamin-Academy Treasurer made power point presentations on the WFDD Day. Prof. Kanu Bala delivered a lecture on ‘Management of Stroke in Family Practice’ . Dr. G. C. Dhar spoke on ‘New in Medicine’. A good number of Family Physicians joined and enjoyed the programme [photo left].
Both the programmes were well organized and well participated.
See more photos in attached complete report.
Association of Family Physicians of FB&H
5th Forum of Family Medicine participants (left) with introductory address of Minister of Health of Canton of Sarajevo, Dr Emira Tanovic. (right)
Caribbean College of Family Physicians (CCFP)
From Trinidad and Tobago
Tobago, the smaller of the twin-island archipelago of Trinidad & Tobago has taken the initiative this year to invite Trinidad to join them in celebrating their first Anniversary of their Chapter being formed.This had coincided with Wonca World Family Doctor Day 2014. The main activity will be an all day seminar to be held at the Magdalena Grande Resort, Lowlands, Tobago entitled "Primary Care- a winning team approach" on Sunday May 17.
Topics for the conference are:
1. Relevance of the primary care team.
2. Role of nutritionists and pharmacists in primary care.
3. Managing the terminally ill patient in primary care.
4. Integration of mental health into primary care.
5. Conflict resolutions in the primary care team.
6. Medical ethics and jurisprudence.
This activity will be held in collaboration with the Trinidad Chapter of CCFP. Next year 2016 it is hoped that Trinidad will host what will become an annual event. Members of the healthcare team, the media and important personalities are also invited, all in keeping with the motto of CCFP-"Cooperating for Excellence"
Please convey our special thanks to Professor Michael Kidd from the members of the Caribbean College of Family Physicians and from the Tobago Chapter of the College for his video-taped greetings. They were welcomed by our membership and aired to other health workers in the care team as well as lay persons and patients and their families.
It has helped to enlighten those persons about WONCA, about CCFP , and more particularly about what family doctors do and why we are important in the healthcare systems of our countries.
Happy Family Doctor Day 2015 to all
From Jamaica
We are gearing up and it’s both fun and work, work and more work. But it’s garnering more interest and seems to be gathering momentum here in Jamaica. We are now on TV, in the newspapers and on the radio about Honoring World Family Doctors day and what a Family doctor “is” and “does”, and we have the support of both our Mayor and Custos and many support groups for the event.
The National Health Fund is sponsoring 100 Mammograms and 100 ECG’s in honor of our Family Doctors ! Over JA$500,000 worth of sponsorship for our patients free.
We will be walking in remembrance of our best loved Family Doctors (alive or deceased) and next year may make this a sponsored effort in aid of Needy Family Doctors (and there are those also). We will worship at Church and we will have a fair day on the 19th which will be special!
Sociedad Científica de Medicina Familiar y General de Chile
We are holding :
- Social dinners.
Massive social networks using common logo to mark presence
Japan Primary Care Association
Jordanian Society of Family Medicine (JSFM)
Scientific activity in the occasion of WFDD on 13 May 2015 at Jordan Medical Association
Below: 12 family physicians, one community physician and one pharmacist where the family physicians are from JSFM (left) and at right nurses providing a family planning assurance to women in reproductive ages
This activity to visit the Golden age home for the elderly (above right), where JSFM members visited and perform physical examination to 120 old persons re-evaluating their folders and providing assurance as well management, the participants are FP specialist and residents
Association of general practitioners- family medicine -ZLOMSM
Dear colleagues,
We want to inform you that the Association of Macedonian general practice doctors are going to celebrate the World Family Doctor’s Day for the second time.
Unlike the last, this year the day we will be marked not only in the capital Skopje, but in other four cities in the country: Kocani, Tetovo, Veles and Bitola.
The celebration of the day in all cities will be unified in terms of activities:
- Blood pressure measurement
- Determination of cholesterol
- Determination of triglycerides
Activities will be realized by doctors and students from 5th and 6th year of Faculties of medicine and will be accompanied by suitable recommendations and advice on health and general condition, supported by appropriate educational- informative material.
This year the World Family Doctor’s Day will be marked by motto: Family doctor for a healthy family.
Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia
Our Academy will be collaborating with our sister college , the Family Medicine Society of Malaysia , in organising the above celebrations. Both societies had a successful collaboration for our WONCA Kuching 2014 , and we are planning more collaborative events in the future .
Due to the fact that both societies had been extremely busy the last few months with their own activities , we are only planning a small scale mini carnival , partly as a learning curve for next year's grander celebrations. This will be on Sunday 24th May 2015 at the Marina Putrajaya , a picturesque lakeside location at the capital of Putrajaya.
Society of family physicians of Nigeria(SOFPON) Kogi State Chapter
The World Family Doctors Day, 2015 Celebration - The details are as follows:
Theme: Family Medicine : The Leading Edge![](/site/DefaultSite/filesystem/images/News/2015%20news/FDD/nigeria%20media.jpg)
Dates: May 18th- May 20th, 2015
Day 1: May 18th
Event: Media Conference And Health Awareness Talks (see photo)
Venue: NTA / CTV/ Radio Kogi, Lokoja
Day 2: May 19th :
Event: Opening Ceremony And Lectures
Day 3: May 20th:
Event: Free Medical Outreach To Old Market Community, Lokoja
Venue : Comprehensive Heal
th Centre, Old Market, Lokoja
College of Family Medicine Pakistan (CFMP)
College of Family Medicine Pakistan (CFMP) chalked out an elaborate program to celebrate World Family Doctors’ Day on 24th May 2015 (Sunday) at NICH auditorium Karachi, with “A family doctor for every family” and “Universal Health Coverage” as the current year’s motto. The program was well attended by around one hundred prominent family physicians of the city and members of academia as well as media.
The Scientific program comprised of one keynote address by Professor and Chair of Family Medicine at Aga khan university Dr. Waris Qidwai; and a lecture on ethics by Dr. Shehla Naseem, the secretary general of the College of Family Medicine.
The topic of Prof Waris Qidwai’s keynote address was; “Present Status and Future of Family Medicine in Pakistan.” He presented some valuable data on the status of Primary Health Care in Pakistan and its effect on the health indicators. He also highlighted the pertinent issues & challenges for Family Medicine in Pakistan namely:
- Lack of research
- Lack of unity among Family Physicians organizations
- Lack of symbiotic relationship between peers inside and outside the specialty
- Challenge of recruitment and retention
- Need for mandatory undergraduate teaching in Family Medicine in all medical colleges in Pakistan
- Initiation of new
post graduate training programs
- Re-certification & Continuing Professional Development programs
Secretary General CFMP Dr. Shehla Naseem, presented a lecture on “Ethics in Family Medicine.” She elaborated on the fact that patient has the right to medical treatment, information about their disease and Medicine “Everyone has the right to choices, the right to privacy and the right to complain” she said. She also discussed some interesting dilemmas in ethics encountered in family medicine practice with the audience.
Read full report and see more photos.
Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF)
The Family Doctor Day (FDD) activities in Portugal covered almost the whole country. In more than 60 cities and towns, over 400 family doctors and Family Medicine residents established street meeting points, where they approached passers-by/bystanders, explaining the mission and skills of family doctors and their importance within the health system. They also handed out balloons, stickers and t-shirts with the FDD logo. Three different t-shirts were produced: one for the doctors, with the phrase “I am a family doctor” and two for the citizens, with the phrases “I have a family doctor- smile” and “I still don't have a family doctor – sad face”. Furthermore, the people that were approached in the street received a postcard, where they could write suggestions on how to improve primary care coverage and the family doctor's work quality standards.
Early in the morning, an official celebration session was organized in Lisbon, with the participation of the Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine's current and past presidents, the National Medical Council president and the Health Secretary of State. A short film, entitled “To be a family doctor”, developed by 12 Family Medicine residents and focused on the daily routine of family doctors was exhibited (the film is available on APMGF's website). In the evening, a cultural soirée took place in Coimbra. Family doctors from the central part of the country were able to invite their patients to attend the event.
Photo: Activities in Oporto
The media coverage of FDD in Portugal was outstanding. On the 18th, the vice-president of the Portuguese Association of General and Family Medicine (APMGF), Jorge Brandão, was invited to an in-studio interview in one of our national TV Channels (TVI24). During 9 minutes, he explained the day's activities, the added value of family doctors in health promotion strategies and to the well-being of families, describing in addition the current context of primary care delivery in Portugal and what must be changed to improve the quality of care. Early on the 19th, Rui Nogueira, APMGF's president, was also in a TV news morning show, in another TV channel (RTP1). Besides information concerning the celebration program and activities, Rui Nogueira commented the present working conditions of family doctors in Portugal, what they can offer the population and the regional differences in quality of care that still persist in the country. He strongly advocated new admissions of family doctors for the National Health Service, as a rational measure to ensure better health outcomes and the financial sustainability of the entire healthcare system. Numerous stories regarding FDD and the family doctors in Portugal were broadcasted in TV and radio news bulletins and several articles were printed in the national and regional press.
We are happy to report that FDD had a profound effect in our political establishment. The Health Ministry released a statement on the very same day, promising the reintegration of retired family doctors that wish to return to active work, through a special salary package, admitting that in several regions there is a shortage of family doctors. This is considered an important step, since there is need for an additional 800 family doctors in the field, according to APMGF's estimations. The country has a large number of doctors in Family Medicine vocational training, but they will only be able to cover populations needs in 2018, hence the relevance of attracting retired doctors back into the system.
Photo: This lady still doesn't have a family doctor and she has a t-shirt to prove it!
The following day (20th), Portugal's Prime Minister reaffirmed in Parliament that the current government is committed to give a family doctor to every Portuguese citizen, until the end of the legislature. Also on the 20th, the main opposition party presented its official programme for the upcoming elections and amongst the 21 main proposals explained in a busy press conference is, in fact, the creation of 100 new family health units, the core unit in primary healthcare and where family doctors have a pivotal role.
Academia Medicos de Familia de Puerto Rico
Association of family medicine doctors Republika of Srpska
Program of Celebration of World Family Doctor Day - on 18 May 2015. Hotel Leotar Trebinje –Republic Of Srpska (Bih). Topic“ Prevention Rather Than Cure” 17:15 to 18:45 "Everything you wanted to know about stress ..."
"How to prevent burn out syndrome". "How to communicate bad news"
Lecturer: Dr Zoran Ilic, psychotherapist, psychiatrist
19:00 to 19:25 "The benefits of the unique formulation of preparations containing heparin dimethylsulfoxide "
Lecturer: Mr ph Davorka Kopanja
19:25 to 19:45 "Modern treatment of diabetes mellitus are"
Lecturer: Dr Mirjana Babic, spec. Family Medicine
19:45 to 20:00 "The innovative approach and reliable treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive Lung Diseases "
Lecturer: Dr Biljana Bogdanovic - pneumophtisiologist
20:00 Gala Dinner
Program of Celebration of World Family Doctor Day - on 19 May 2015. Town Square -Trebinje
09:00 to 11:00 Organized by the employees of the family medicine Trebinje:
• Free Measurement of certain parameters of health: blood pressure, fat and sugar in the blood
• Share tips and information leaflets to citizens about health lifestyles
Photos of the Trebinje event.
National Society of Family Medicine (SNMF)
Debates, symposia, press release, newsletters, articles in media (print papers, online papers, radio interviews, tv news). Photo shows symposium in Bucharest.
We are very glad that our previous suggestion to prepare a campaign kit was set into practice. We are very proud to be members of this celebrating day. The Romanian Family Doctors are celebrating every year this day and share nationally their commitment for this extraordinary specialty
College of General Practitioners of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka Daily News Vol 97 No 117. Tuesday May 19, 2015
see article on Exhibition and health camp at Aralaganwila
Chinese Taipei Association of Family Medicine
For 2015 Family Doctor Day, we designed a new poster and announced a writing competition entitled “Family doctor and I “. The idea is to inspired people writing stories about how their family doctors interact with them and their families. We also asked for submissions from the medical students, residents and family physicians to tell the reason why they choose to be a family doctor and their valuable experience on taking care of patients. There was an awarding ceremony on May 17 (photo above) .
We have obtained seven articles by now and all the stories are so impressive. We will notify the media to celebrate the important event to honor the family doctors all over the world. We truly believe that the family doctors embody the greatness in ordinary daily practice.
TAHUD has planned a series of activities for the celebration of World Family Doctor Day, May 19.
Wonca Europe 20th and TAHUD 25th Memorial Forest
With a lovely occasion 20th anniversary of WONCA Europe is the 25th anniversary of TAHUD (and this is to be further celebrated at the WONCA Europe confernce in October). We feel privileged to celebrate both anniversaries on World Family Doctor Day. The memorial forest will be formed in Riva, Istanbul and on May 19 we visited the planting site reserved for us for the first part of planting and having picnic. The scene was beautiful with the greens and branches of Judas trees.
Trekking in Sinop
On May 19, World Family Doctor Day Turkish family doctors organized a trekking activity in Sinop, a beautiful city located in northern Turkey, Black Sea seashore famous for its natural scenery encompassing the sea and vast forests in its steep slopes. It was an enjoyable day with family doctors from different regions of Turkey. Family doctors visited Inalti Cave which is 1070 m high from sea level as well.
Cycling Event
Turkish family doctors celebrated World Family Doctor Day, May 19 with a cycling event in Izmir, western Turkey. With their t-shirts designed and printed specifically for this activity family doctors rode bicycle 5km along the seashore of Izmir.
United States of America (USA)
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) - North Carolina Academy of FPs
The North Carolina Academy of Family Physicians celebrated North Carolina Family Medicine Day on May 16, 2015. The day included workshops attended by medical students, and run by faculty and residents from North Carolina FM residency programs. It was a day to celebrate family medicine, meet mentors and leaders. It ended with a party and recruiting to Family Medicine Residency Programs.
Residents, faculty, students and staff wish our colleagues a great #worldfamilydoctorday. Click on the photo to access video greeting.
For Individuals
The WONCA Forum has a discussion area to add your individual story as well.
To register for the WONCA discussion forum
To login if you are registered already.
On the occasion of the world Family Doctor Day, the Algerian Society of General Practice organized an awareness campaign programs for the population on the role and benefits of family physicians.
This information campaign is being in time that will affect the local radio channels to inform more people.
We thank Dr Mohammed Tarawneh, president of WONCA East Mediterranean region for his availability during the first show.
I wish every success to our colleagues around the world. The Algerian society of GPs is in process to join WONCA, which is a great opportunity to expand also in North Africa
China Medical Tribune promotion
General Practice Weekly designed a poster according to the WONCA official poster, and organized an activity on new media such as micro message, micro blog, APP to collect personal posters and articles from family doctors , general practitioner and other readers. The theme of the activity is ‘
I'm a family doctor, I endorse myself’.
They requested a message from the WONCA President:
World Family Doctor Day recognises the important contributions GPs and other family doctors make every day. This is especially important in China where the government has a strong focus on strengthening and supporting the work of family doctors to ensure that health care is available to all people in urban and rural areas across China. Thank you for the great work you are doing in delivering high quality health care to the people of your community. Michael Kidd
And a message from the WONCA CEO, Garth Manning:
World Family Doctor Day – 19th May - is a day to highlight the role and contribution of family doctors in health care systems around the world. The event has gained momentum globally each year and it is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge the central role of our specialty in the delivery of personal, comprehensive and continuing health care for all of our patients. It’s also a chance to celebrate the progress being made in family medicine and the special contributions of family doctors all around the world. Of course this is especially true of China, where great developments in family medicine are happening. We pay tribute to all our colleagues in China who are doing so much to help to deliver quality family medicine to communities right across the country.
Mitra Sehati family doctors
In conjunction with the World Family Doctor Day which falls on the 19th of May, an event was held here in Griya Mitra, a place located in a sub-district called Cinunuk, in the outskirts of Bandung, Indonesia by the family doctors from Mitra Sehati, a family medicine oriented clinic – the “walk for health”.
Prior to the walk a medical check-up was done and vital signs done as a large number of participants have controlled hypertension and come from the middle-age group.
Albeit the tiring day, the participants showed a very high level of sportsmanship and warmth despite their busy schedule.
Department of Family Medicine, University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Cross River State
In Calabar, we have decided to embark on some activities to commemorate this day. Our planned activities for the World Family Doctors Day include but are not limited to:
1. Road health walk, health awareness campaign and sensitization tour to various stakeholders in the health sector including the State Governor, the Commissioner for Health and the Chief Medical Director of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital.
2. Awareness talk on GOOD MORNING CROSS RIVER TV show programme of the Cross River Broadcasting Corporation (CRBC) station.
3. Health talk will be given to the general public as well as educational materials like fliers and hand bills.
4. Family Doctors will wear the World Family Doctors Day (WFDD) T-Shirts with the prescribed logo for all activities of the day.
The entire event will be carried out in collaboration with the Association of General and Private Medical practitioners of Nigeria (AGPMPN), Cross River State Chapter, with the aim of sending the message across to the rural communities.
Dr. Udeme Asibong (Head of Department), Dr. Usang Ekanem (Chairman, AGPMPN, CRS Chapter), Dr. Tony Aluka (Chairman LOC), Dr. Promise Adat (Assistant Chairman LOC), Dr. Ifeyinwa Aflukwe (Secretary LOC), Professor Ndifreke Udonwa (Adviser), Dr. Abraham Gyuse (Adviser), Dr. Ita B. Okokon (Adviser), Dr. Udo K. Ogbonna (Adviser), Dr. Okoi Nta (Adviser), Dr. Elvis Bisong (Adviser)
Pakistan - FMEC
In Pakistan Family Medicine Education Center (FMEC) celebrated the World Family Doctor Day in the auditorium of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Lahore. Professor Mahmood Shaukat, Principal Allama Iqbal Medical College was the chief guest.
Proceedings started with the lecture on “Prescribing for the whole family” (especially child, pregnant and oldage) by Professor Saeed Anwar, Professor of Pharmacology Akhtar Saeed Medical College, Lahore.
After the lecture Video Message of Wonca President Professor Michael Kidd was presented. Participants clapped after the message.
Senior family doctors were invited to sit on the stage. A one minute tribute to senior family doctors was given by the audience.
Chief guest professor Mahmood Shaukat cougratulated FMEC on celebrating Wonca’s World Family Doctor Day and become part of international family of family doctors. Bouquets were presented to senior family doctors by the chief guest.
Photo Dr Shahid Shahab Direct Member WONCA highlighting the importance of World Family Doctor Day
A bouquet presented to the chief guest by Dr. Sarwar Chaudhry, the senior most family doctor and Ex president of Pakistan Medical Association. The ceremony concluded at Lunch.
A large number of family doctors participated in the program and in and out of the auditorium, there were signboards and hoardings of WONCA Logo and theme of World Family Doctor Day.
Eastern Mediterranean Family Medicine Group
Boat tour and brunch with family physicians.
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